Wild flower meadows

An essential ingredient for biodiversity

The development of wild flower meadows in our Kenton Greening Project is fundamental to the improvement of biodiversity in the area. Without flowering plants, bushes and trees to provide nectar, the pollinators will simply not survive and the plants, bushes and trees will not flourish. Encouraging, developing and expanding wild flowering meadows in our area is a top priority. This can be done with as little as a one square metre of land and can produce a whole range of flowering plants which will attract a wide range of pollinators. But on its own it is limited – we need a mosaic of wild flowering meadow areas – so please commit and contribute.

  1. Pick a patch of ground at least 1m square.
  2. Turn over the soil and allow winter weather to break it down.
  3. Around March time rake the soil and add some good garden compost.
  4. Sow a good quality UK native wild flower packet – rake it in and water well.
  5. Take a photo of the plot and again 6 weeks later and then when the plot is full of flowers and hopefully pollinators. Please email these photos to us in a reduced size format.
  6. Look out for pollinating insects, birds and bats and let us know what you see – close up photos would be most welcome.